I.-The holder of the professional prevention account may decide to allocate all or part of the points registered in his account to one or more of the following uses:
1° Covering all or part of the costs of a continuing vocational training course with a view to accessing a job that is not exposed or is less exposed to the occupational risk factors mentioned in I of article L. 4163-1 ;
2° The financing of additional remuneration and statutory and contractual social security contributions in the event of a reduction in working hours;
3° The financing of an increase in the period of old-age insurance and retirement before the statutory retirement age under ordinary law;
4° The financing of costs relating to one or more actions mentioned in 1°, 2° or 3° of article L. 6313-1 as part of a vocational retraining project and, where applicable, the financing of his remuneration during vocational retraining leave, when he undergoes this training action wholly or partly during his working hours, with a view to gaining access to a job not exposed to the occupational risk factors mentioned in I of article L. 4163-1.
II.-The request to use the points may be made at any time during the account holder’s career for the uses mentioned in 2° and 4° of I and, whether the holder is an employee or a job seeker, to pay for one or more vocational training actions in the context of the uses mentioned in 1° and 4° of I. For the rights mentioned in 3° of this I, the liquidation of the points acquired, subject to a sufficient number, may take place from the age of fifty-five.
The rights mentioned in 1°, 2° and 4° of the same I may only be exercised when the employee, on the date of his request, falls within the categories defined in the first paragraph of article L. 4163-4.
II bis.-The management body mentioned in article L. 4163-14 communicates about the scheme to the employers mentioned in article L. 4163-4 and to the beneficiaries of the professional prevention account.
III – A decree in the Conseil d’Etat sets the terms and conditions under which the employee is informed of the possibilities for using the account and determines the conditions for using the points registered in the account. It sets the specific points scale for each use of the account. It specifies the conditions and limits under which the points acquired may only be allocated to the use referred to in 1° of I.
A decree sets the ceiling on the number of points that may be allocated to the use referred to in 2° of I by employees who have not reached their sixtieth birthday.
IV – For people aged at least fifty-two on 1 January 2015, the scale for acquiring points credited to the professional prevention account and the conditions for using the points acquired may be adjusted by decree of the Conseil d’Etat in order to facilitate the use provided for in 2° and 3° of I.