A foreign national who is recruited by a young innovative company carrying out research and development projects, as defined in article 44 sexies-0 A of the General Tax Code, or by an innovative company recognised by a public body, to carry out duties related to the research and development project of this company or to its economic development, social, international and environmental development, will be issued with a multi-annual residence permit bearing the wording “talent passport” for a maximum period of four years, subject to proving that they meet a salary threshold set by decree by the Conseil d’Etat.
By way of derogation from the provisions of article L. 433-1, when a foreign national benefiting from this card is involuntarily unemployed on the date of renewal of their card, it is renewed for a period equivalent to that of the rights they have acquired to the insurance allowance mentioned in article L. 5422-1 of the Labour Code.