It is prohibited for any person to offer products for sale or to offer services using, under irregular conditions, the public domain of the State, local authorities and their public establishments.
Infringements of the prohibition mentioned in the first paragraph are investigated and recorded under the conditions defined by articles L. 450-1 to L. 450-3-2 and L. 450-7.
Agents may consign, in premises that they determine and for a period that may not exceed one month, the products offered for sale and the goods that enabled the sale of the products or the offer of services.
A report will be drawn up immediately after the goods have been deposited. This includes an inventory of the goods and merchandise consigned and a statement of their value. It is communicated within five days of its completion to the public prosecutor and to the interested party.
The court may order the confiscation of the products offered for sale and the goods that enabled the products to be sold or the services to be offered. The court may order the offender to pay to the Treasury a sum corresponding to the value of the products consigned, where no seizure has been made.