The Corsican sites council exercises in Corsica the powers devolved to the regional heritage and architecture commission provided for in article L. 611-2 of the heritage code, to the specialised commission for new tourist units provided for in article 7 of the loi n° 85-30 du 9 janvier 1985 relative au développement et à la protection de la montagne et à la commission départementale compétente en matière de nature, de paysages et de sites, perspectives et paysages prévue par l’article L. 341-16 du code de l’environnement.
The composition of the Corsican sites council, which comprises members appointed half by the State representative and half by the president of the executive council, is set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
The council is co-chaired by the representative of the State and the president of the executive council of Corsica when it sits in the formation of the regional commission for heritage and architecture.