The services of the State which participate in the exercise of the competences transferred to the territorial collectivity of Corsica are, where necessary, made available to the territorial collectivity of Corsica under the conditions provided for in article L. 4151-1 and article 16-3 of law n° 72-619 du 5 juillet 1972 portant création et organisation des régions.
However, the services or parts of services exclusively responsible for the implementation of a competence attributed to the territorial collectivity of Corsica by the present title are transferred to the territorial collectivity of Corsica under conditions set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
The civil servants of the State exercising their functions in the services or parts of services referred to in the previous paragraph may opt for the status of territorial civil servant within a period of two years from the date of entry into force of the transfers of competencies provided for by the loi n° 91-428 du 13 mai 1991 portant statut de la collectivité territoriale de Corse, dans les conditions prévues aux II et III de l’article 123 de la loi n° 84-53 du 26 janvier 1984 portant dispositions statutaires relatives à la fonction publique territoriale.
The provisions of this article shall apply, where necessary, to the public establishments created by this title.