In the form of a public establishment of the Corsican regional authority of an industrial and commercial nature, the Office des transports de la Corse, over which the authority exercises its supervisory power, has the missions defined below.
Taking into consideration the economic development priorities defined by the territorial collectivity of Corsica, the Office des transports de la Corse shall enter into agreements with the companies designated to operate the routes mentioned in article L. 4424-19 public service delegation agreements which define the tariffs, the conditions of performance and the quality of the service as well as the control procedures.
The Office shall allocate the part of the appropriations mentioned in Article L. 4425-26 intended for the implementation of Articles L. 4424-18 and L. 4424-19 between the two modes of air and sea transport, provided that this distribution remains compatible with the commitments entered into within the framework of the agreements concluded with the concessionaires and that it does not, in itself, affect the financial equilibrium of these companies.
The Office ensures the implementation of any other mission that may be entrusted to it by the Corsican regional authority within the limits of its competencies. It may, by agreement signed with the territorial collectivity of Corsica, manage on its behalf all or part of the remaining appropriations of the territorial continuity grant mentioned in article L. 4425-26.
The office is chaired by an executive councillor appointed by the president of the executive council.
The representative of the State in the territorial collectivity of Corsica attends meetings of the board of directors as of right and is an addressee of its deliberations.
The office is managed by a director appointed on the proposal of the president of the office by decree deliberated by the executive council.
The board of directors of the office is made up of representatives of socio-professional organisations and, as a majority, elected representatives of the Assembly of Corsica.
The Office des transports de la Corse is substituted for the Office des transports de la région de Corse, instituted by article 20 of the loi n° 82-659 du 30 juillet 1982 portant statut particulier de la région de Corse : compétences, dans ses droits et obligations pour l’exécution des concessions en cours au 2 avril 1992, date de la première réunion de l’Assemblée de Corse ayant suivi son renouvellement résultant de la loi n° 91-428 du 13 mai 1991 portant statut de la collectivité territoriale de Corse.
L’office des transports de la Corse ceases to exist when the collectivité territoriale de Corse takes over the exercise of its missions