I – A special diploma is required in order to work as an occupational health physician.
II – By way of derogation from I, a decree lays down the conditions under which prevention and occupational health services may recruit, after the issue of a replacement licence and authorisation by the relevant departmental councils of the ordre des médecins, on a temporary basis, an intern in the speciality who practises under the authority of an experienced occupational health service doctor.
III – By way of derogation from I, a decree sets the conditions under which an associate doctor, who is not a specialist in occupational medicine and is engaged in training with a view to obtaining this qualification from the ordre des médecins, carries out, under the authority of an occupational doctor from an occupational health and prevention service and within the framework of a written protocol validated by the latter, the functions devolved to occupational doctors.
IV – By way of derogation from I, a corresponding medical practitioner, with training in occupational medicine, may contribute, in conjunction with the occupational physician, to the medical monitoring of the worker provided for in article L. 4624-1, with the exception of the reinforced medical monitoring provided for in article L. 4624-2, for the benefit of an inter-company occupational health and prevention service. The corresponding medical practitioner may not combine his role with that of treating doctor as defined inarticle L. 162-5-3 of the Social Security Code.
The corresponding medical practitioner concludes a collaboration protocol with the inter-company occupational health and prevention service, signed by the director of the service and the occupational physicians of the multidisciplinary team. This protocol, drawn up in accordance with a model defined by order of the ministers responsible for work and health, sets out, where applicable, the additional guarantees in terms of training justified by the specific nature of the medical monitoring of the workers cared for by the inter-company occupational health and prevention service and defines the procedures for the contribution of the corresponding medical practitioner to this medical monitoring.
The conclusion of a collaboration protocol on the basis of the second paragraph of this IV is only authorised in areas characterised by an insufficient number or insufficient availability of occupational physicians to meet the needs of the medical monitoring of workers, as determined by the Director General of the regional health agency with territorial jurisdiction, after consultation with the representatives of occupational physicians.
The terms of application of this IV are determined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.