Each Regional Mutual or Union is managed by a Board of at least six and no more than twelve directors, elected from among the members by the General Meeting for a term of six years. However, if a director’s seat becomes vacant between two ordinary general meetings, the Board of Directors may make a provisional appointment under the conditions laid down in the Articles of Association.
At least one third of the members of the Board of Directors must be seafarers in the merchant navy or licensed to operate fishing establishments in the public maritime domain.
Directors who are legal entities must appoint a permanent representative when they are elected. This representative is subject to the same conditions and obligations and incurs the same liabilities as if he/she were a director in his/her own name, without prejudice to the joint and several liability of the legal entity represented.
Directors may be re-elected and dismissed by the General Meeting. Their duties are performed free of charge. However, a lump-sum payment to compensate for the time spent performing their duties may be awarded to them by the General Meeting.