The President of the Departmental Council signs an annual agreement on objectives and resources with the State, prior to the granting of the subsidies for professional integration provided for in article L. 5134-19-1.
This agreement sets out :
1° The forecast number of professional integration aids allocated for the recruitment, under a single integration contract, of beneficiaries of the active solidarity income financed by the department;
2° The methods of financing the aid for professional integration and the rates of aid applicable.
When the département participates in financing the aid, the rates mentioned in the last paragraph of article L. 5134-19-1 may be increased, depending on the criteria set out in 1°, 2° and 4° of articles L. 5134-30 and L. 5134-72.
When all of the cost of the aid is borne by the department, the departmental council sets the rate on the basis of the criteria mentioned in articles L. 5134-30 and L. 5134-72, within the limit of the ceiling provided for in articles L. 5134-30-1 and L. 5134-72-1;
3° Support measures and other measures designed to promote the long-term integration of employees hired under a single integration contract.
Each time the annual agreement on objectives and resources is renewed, the State and the département re-examine their financial contribution to the financing of the single integration contract, taking into account the results observed in terms of the sustainable integration of employees hired under this scheme, as well as the economic constraints affecting certain territories.