The Supervisory Board ensures ongoing control of the management of Caisse des dépôts et consignations by the Chief Executive Officer. It may delegate some of its powers to the Chief Executive Officer, who shall report to it on the decisions he has taken by virtue of this delegation. It is provided with sufficient resources to ensure the proper performance of its duties and the mandate of its members, in accordance with the conditions set out in its internal regulations.
At least four times a year, the Supervisory Board is convened by its Chairman to discuss the following matters:
1° The strategic orientations of the public institution and its subsidiaries, including the medium-term plan;
2° The implementation of the public interest missions of Caisse des dépôts et consignations;
3° Defining the investment strategy of the public institution and its subsidiaries and individual transactions and investment or divestment programmes above thresholds and in accordance with procedures defined in its internal regulations.
Acting on a proposal from the Chief Executive Officer, the Supervisory Board adopts the budget of the public institution and its successive amendments, which are submitted to the Minister for the Economy for approval. It approves the parent company and consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto drawn up in advance by the Chief Executive Officer, and examines the forecasts drawn up by the latter. It deliberates on strategy and risk appetite. It determines risk-adjusted capital and liquidity requirements, with reference to a prudential model that it defines. It approves and monitors overall risk exposure limits. In particular, it approves the institution’s debt security issuance programme and their maximum annual outstandings. It approves the general organisation and guidelines of the Group’s internal control system proposed by the Chief Executive Officer.
It deliberates on Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations’ policy on equal pay and equal opportunities for all employees and between men and women.
It examines any question placed on its agenda by its Chairman or by itself, acting by a simple majority. It may also meet at the request of at least one third of its members.
The rules of procedure of the Supervisory Board set out its operating rules, in particular the procedures for written or remote consultation of its members by the Chairman in the event of urgent deliberations.
The members of the Supervisory Board referred to in 6° to 8° of article L. 518-4 receive allowances, the arrangements for which are set out in its internal rules. A ceiling for these fixed and variable allowances is defined by decree after consultation with the Supervisory Board.