The number of seats on the syndicate’s committee, or their distribution among the member communes, may be modified at the request of:
1° Either the syndicate’s committee;
2° Or the municipal council of a member commune, on the occasion of a change in the syndicate’s perimeter or powers or with the aim of establishing a fairer balance between the representation of the communes on the committee and the size of their population.
Any request is sent, without delay, by the public body to all the municipalities concerned. From the date of transmission, each municipal council has three months to decide on the proposed amendment. In the absence of a decision within this period, its decision is deemed to be favourable.
The decision to amend is subject to the agreement of the municipal councils voting in accordance with the majority conditions laid down by this code for the distribution of seats on the committee of the inter-municipal cooperation syndicate concerned.
The decision to modify is taken by order of the representative(s) of the State in the department(s) concerned.