I.-The portfolio management companies mentioned in article L. 532-9, with the exception of those which exclusively manage FIAs covered by I of article L. 214-167, FIAs covered by IV of article L. 532-9, FIAs covered by the second paragraph of III of the same article L. 532-9 or which manage other collective investments mentioned in article L. 214-191, draw up and publish a shareholder engagement policy describing how they integrate their role as shareholder into their investment strategy. Each year, they publish a report on the implementation of this policy.
The content and methods of publication of this policy and its report are set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
The persons mentioned in the first paragraph of this I may fail to comply with one or more of the requirements set out in this article if they publicly state the reasons for doing so on their website.
II.When a company mentioned in 1° of Article L. 310-1 of the Insurance Code, a company mentioned in 1° of III of Article L. 310-1-1 of the same code which reinsures commitments mentioned in 1° of Article L. 310-1 of the said code, a supplementary professional retirement fund mentioned in Article L. 385-7-1 of the same code, a mutual insurance company or a supplementary professional retirement union mentioned in Article L. 214-1 of the Mutual Insurance Code or a supplementary professional retirement institution mentioned in Article L. 942-1 of the Social Security Code contracts, on the basis of a portfolio management mandate or a subscription mandate for a collective investment mentioned in Article L. 214-1 of this Code, with a portfolio management company mentioned in the first paragraph of I of this Article, the latter shall provide information on the manner in which its investment strategy and the implementation thereof comply with this contract and contribute to the medium- and long-term performance of the assets of the co-contracting investor or of the collective investment.
The content and disclosure procedures for this communication are set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
III – Where a person subject to this article fails to comply with one or more of its provisions, any interested party may ask the president of the court ruling in summary proceedings to enjoin that person to comply, subject to a fine if necessary.