The remuneration policy of investment firms applies to categories of staff, in particular the persons mentioned in Article L. 533-25, risk-takers and any employee receiving total remuneration at least equal to the lowest remuneration received by the person mentioned in 1° or 2° of Article L. 533-25 or the risk-takers, whose professional activities have a significant impact on the risk profile of the investment firm or the assets it manages.
The remuneration policy must be clearly described. It shall be proportionate to the size, internal organisation, nature, scope and complexity of the activities of the investment firm.
The remuneration policy is based on the principle of equal pay for male and female employees for the same work or work of equal value.
This policy enables and promotes sound and effective risk management. It shall be consistent with the strategy and economic objectives of the investment undertaking and shall take account of the long-term effects of the investment decisions made. It includes measures to avoid conflicts of interest. It encourages responsible conduct of the firm’s business and promotes risk awareness and prudent risk-taking.