I. – Banking and payment services intermediaries as defined in article L. 519-1, financial investment advisors as defined in article L. 541-1, tied agents as defined in article L. 545-1 and equity financing intermediaries as defined in article L. 548-1 are registered in the single register provided for in article L. 512-1 of the Insurance Code.
A Conseil d’Etat decree shall specify the conditions for registration in this register and determine the information that must be made public. It shall also determine the procedures for its maintenance by the body referred to in the same article L. 512-1.
Registration, which may be renewed each year, is subject to prior payment to the body referred to in the second paragraph of annual registration fees set by order of the Minister for the Economy, up to a maximum of €250 and, for financial investment advisers, the contribution referred to in k of II of article L. 621-5-3, which the body pays to the Autorité des marchés financiers in accordance with procedures set by decree.
These fees are collected by the body mentioned in the second paragraph, which is subject to general economic and financial control by the State. They are paid when the application for registration or renewal is submitted.
If the application for renewal is submitted without the corresponding payment, the body mentioned in the second paragraph will inform the party liable for payment that if payment is not made within thirty days of this information, the application for renewal will result in removal from the register.
II. – This article does not apply to natural persons employed by one of the persons mentioned in the first paragraph of I.