Article L. 5125-4, applicable in Mayotte, reads as follows:
“Art. L. 5125-4. – In municipalities with a population of 15,000 or more, only one licence may be issued for each whole block of 7,000 inhabitants counted.
In municipalities with a population of less than 15,000, only one licence may be issued for each whole block of 7,000 inhabitants counted in the health democracy territory to which the municipality belongs. A decree determines the territories of health democracy.
When the creation of a pharmacy can be authorised in application of the previous paragraph, the State representative, with a view to ensuring that the population is adequately served, may designate the municipality in which the pharmacy is to be located.
The number of inhabitants taken into account for the application of this article is the municipal population as established by the most recent population census published in the Journal Officiel. “