The metropolitan cluster is a public establishment set up by agreement between public establishments for intercommunal cooperation with their own tax status and, where applicable, the Lyon metropolis, with a view to actions of metropolitan interest, in order to promote a model of planning, sustainable development and territorial solidarity.
By way of derogation from the first paragraph of this article, a new commune mentioned in the first and second paragraphs of article L. 2113-9 may join a metropolitan cluster. In this case, for the application of this chapter, the municipal council of the new commune shall exercise the powers recognised to the deliberative body of the public inter-municipal cooperation establishment that is a member of the cluster.
The deliberative bodies of the public establishments of inter-municipal cooperation and, where applicable, the regional councils, the departmental councils and the council of the Lyon metropolitan authority that are members of the metropolitan cluster shall decide, through concordant deliberations, on the metropolitan interest of the competences that they transfer or the actions that they delegate to the metropolitan cluster.