I. – The articles L. 5211-42 to L. 5211-45 are applicable to Mayotte subject to the adaptations provided for in II and III.
II. – For the application of I of article L. 5211-43 :
1° In 1°, “40%” is replaced by “60%”;
2° 2° is not applicable;
3° In 3°, “5%” is replaced by “20%”;
4° In 4°, “10%” is replaced by “20%”;
5° 5° is not applicable;
6° In the last sentence of the penultimate paragraph, the words: “of the representatives of the public establishments for intercommunal cooperation with their own tax status mentioned in 2° and that” are deleted.
III. – The second paragraph of Article L. 5211-45 is worded as follows:
“The departmental commission for intercommunal cooperation, consulted by the State representative in the department on any request for the withdrawal of a syndicate of communes pursuant to articles L. 5212-29, L. 5212-29-1 and L. 5212-30, or of a communauté de communes pursuant to article L. 5214-26, is made up of a quarter of the members elected by the college referred to in 1° of Article L. 5211-43 and a quarter of the members elected by the college referred to in 3° of that same article. “