From 1st January following the date of their creation, the communities of communes and the communities of agglomeration of French Polynesia receive an allocation in respect of the inter-municipality grant deducted from the inter-municipality grant provided for in article L. 5211-28. In the first year of receiving an allocation under the aforementioned grant, the community of communes or agglomeration community receives a grant equal to the product of its population by €24.48 or, if its member communes are scattered over several islands, by €48.96.
From 2019, each community of communes or agglomeration community in French Polynesia receives a per capita intercommunality grant equal to the per capita grant received the previous year.
The levy in respect of the French Polynesia inter-municipality grant is equal to the sum of the inter-municipality grants allocated to the communities of communes and communities of agglomeration in accordance with the first two paragraphs of this article.
The population to be taken into account for the application of this article is that resulting from the conditions provided for in Article L. 2334-2.