Article L5842-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The articles L. 5210-1 and L. 5210-2 are applicable in French Polynesia.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART FIVE: LOCAL COOPERATION | BOOK VIII: SPECIAL PROVISIONS | TITLE IV: PROVISIONS APPLICABLE IN FRENCH POLYNESIA | CHAPTER II: Inter-municipal cooperation | Section 1: Public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation
The articles L. 5210-1 and L. 5210-2 are applicable in French Polynesia.
I.-The provisions of Section 1 of Chapter I of Title I of Book II of Part Five mentioned in the left-hand column of the table below shall apply in French Polynesia in the wording indicated in the right-hand column of the same table, subject to the adaptations provided for in II to IV. APPLICABLE PROVISIONS AS PROVIDED FOR IN L. 5211-1 law no. 2022-217 of 21 February 2022 L. 5211-2…
I.-Articles L. 5211-5, with the exception of the last sentence of I and the second paragraph of III, and L. 5211-5-1 are applicable in French Polynesia subject to the adaptations provided for in II. II.-For the application of Article L. 5211-5: 1° In I, the words: “when the communes are part of the same department or by joint order of the representatives of the State in the departments concerned in…
I. – The provisions of Section 3 of Chapter I of Title I of Book II of Part Five mentioned in the left-hand column of the table below shall apply in French Polynesia, in the wording indicated in the right-hand column of the same table, subject to the adaptations provided for in II to V. APPLICABLE PROVISIONS AS PROVIDED FOR IN L. 5211-6 law no. 2015-366 of 31 March 2015…
I. – The articles L. 5211-12 to L. 5211-15 are applicable in French Polynesia, in their wording resulting from Law no. 2019-1461 of 27 December 2019 relating to involvement in local life and the proximity of public action, subject to the adaptations provided for in II, III and IV. II. – For the application of Article L. 5211-12: 1° The first paragraph is replaced by a paragraph worded as follows:…
I.-The provisions of Section 5 of Chapter I of Title I of Book II of Part Five mentioned in the left-hand column of the table below shall apply in French Polynesia in the wording indicated in the right-hand column of the same table, subject to the adaptations provided for from II to V. APPLICABLE PROVISIONS IN THE VERSION RESULTING FROM L. 5211-16 law no. 99-586 of 12 July 1999 L….
I. – Articles L. 5211-21, L. 5211-23, L. 5211-25-1, L. 5211-26, L. 5211-27 are applicable in French Polynesia subject to the adaptations provided for in II. II. – For the application of Article L. 5211-21: 1° 1°, 2° and 4° of I are not applicable; 2° The words: “in Article L. 2333-26” are replaced by the words: “by the provisions applicable locally”; 3° The words: “, subject to the provisions…
From 1st January following the date of their creation, the communities of communes and the communities of agglomeration of French Polynesia receive an allocation in respect of the inter-municipality grant deducted from the inter-municipality grant provided for in article L. 5211-28. In the first year of receiving an allocation under the aforementioned grant, the community of communes or agglomeration community receives a grant equal to the product of its population…
I. – The provisions of Subsection 3 of Section 6 of Chapter I of Title I of Book II of Part Five mentioned in the left-hand column of the table below shall apply in French Polynesia, in the wording indicated in the right-hand column of the same table, subject to the adaptations provided for in II and III. APPLICABLE PROVISIONS AS PROVIDED FOR IN L. 5211-36 law no. 2015-991 of…
I. – The articles L. 5211-41 to L. 5211-41-3 are applicable in French Polynesia subject to the adaptations provided for in II, III and IV. II. – For the application of articles L. 5211-41, L. 5211-41-1, L. 5211-41-2 and L. 5211-41-3, the words: “of the representative of the State in the department when the communes belong to the same department and by joint order of the representatives of the State…
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