Authorisation may only be granted to :
1° One or more doctors, who may be associated for the purposes of their professional practice or for the pooling of the resources necessary for such practice;
2° A health establishment ;
3° A legal entity whose purpose relates, in particular, to the operation of a health establishment, a healthcare activity or a piece of heavy equipment mentioned in article L. 6122-1 or the practice of activities specific to medical biology laboratories.
This authorisation may not be transferred before the start of the works, the installation of the heavy equipment and the implementation of the care activity or the alternative care structure to hospitalisation.
Any transfer is subject to confirmation of the authorisation in favour of the transferee by the regional health agency of the region in which the transferred authorisation is located.
Whatever the form of management or operation adopted by the person holding the authorisation, that person remains solely responsible for it, particularly with regard to obligations relating to the organisation and safety of care.