The disciplinary chambers of the Ordre des Médecins or the Ordre des Pharmaciens are competent to rule on a complaint lodged against a company operating a private medical biology laboratory when that company is registered with the Ordre des Pharmaciens or the Ordre des Médecins.
If the company referred to in the first paragraph is registered simultaneously on the roll of the Order of Physicians and on the roll of the Order of Pharmacists, the matter is referred either to the disciplinary chamber of first instance of the Order of Physicians if the majority of the medical biologists working in the medical biology laboratory are registered on the roll of the Order of Physicians, or to the disciplinary chamber of first instance of the Order of Pharmacists in the opposite case. If the number of medical biologists and pharmacist biologists is the same, the complainant will refer the matter to the chamber of his choice.
The sanctions mentioned in articles L. 4124-6 and L. 4234-6 are applicable to the company operating a private medical biology laboratory that is the subject of disciplinary proceedings before the Medical Association or the Pharmaceutical Association respectively. In this case :
1° The ban referred to in 4° of article L. 4124-6 is, for companies operating a private medical biology laboratory registered with the ordre des médecins, a temporary ban on practising medical biology examinations, with or without a suspended sentence; this ban may not exceed one year;
2° In the case of companies operating a private medical biology laboratory registered with the pharmacists’ association, the bans under 4° or 5° of Article L. 4234-6 are a temporary ban on carrying out medical biology examinations for a maximum period of one year, with or without a suspended sentence.