Any person who disregards the provisions of article L. 8222-1, as well as any person convicted of having used, directly or through an intermediary, the services of a person who performs undeclared work, is jointly and severally liable with the person who has been the subject of an official report for the offence of undeclared work:
1° To the payment of taxes and compulsory contributions as well as penalties and increases owed by the latter to the Treasury or social protection bodies;
2° Where applicable, reimbursement of sums corresponding to the amount of public aid received;
3° Payment of remuneration, allowances and charges owed by it in respect of the employment of employees who have not been subject to one of the formalities provided for in articles L. 1221-10, relating to the declaration prior to recruitment, and L. 3243-2, relating to the issue of pay slips.