Persons and entities, other than those mentioned in articles L. 823-2 and L. 823-2-1, which control one or more companies within the meaning of article L. 233-3 shall appoint at least one statutory auditor when the entity they form with the companies they control exceeds the thresholds set by decree for two of the following three criteria: the cumulative total of their balance sheet, the cumulative amount of their turnover excluding tax or the cumulative average number of their employees during a financial year.
The first paragraph of this article does not apply where the person or entity that controls one or more companies is itself controlled by a person or entity that has appointed a statutory auditor.
Companies controlled directly or indirectly by the persons and entities mentioned in the first paragraph of this article must appoint at least one statutory auditor if they exceed the thresholds set by decree for two of the following three criteria: total balance sheet, amount of turnover excluding tax and average number of employees during the financial year. The same statutory auditor may be appointed in application of the same first paragraph and of this paragraph.