Prior to the expiry of the period set for the experiment, the Government will submit to Parliament, for evaluation, a report accompanied by the observations of the territorial authorities that have taken part in the experiment. This report sets out the effects of the measures taken by these local authorities, in particular with regard to the cost and quality of services provided to users, the organisation of local authorities and State services, and their financial and fiscal implications.
At half-way point in the period set for experimentation, the Government will send Parliament a report accompanied, where appropriate, by the observations of the local authorities participating in the experimentation. This report shall present the local authorities that have decided to take part in the experimentation as well as an interim assessment of the effects mentioned in the second sentence of the first paragraph.
Each year, the Government shall send Parliament a report presenting the local authorities that have decided to take part in an experimentation defined by a law mentioned in Article LO 1113-1 and tracing all the experimentation proposals sent to it by the local authorities, setting out the action taken on them.