The committee will meet at a venue agreed between the local health insurance body and the local professional association. Failing this, it is hosted by the authority that received the complaint.
At this meeting, the person lodging the complaint may be assisted or represented by a person of their choice, in particular by an approved association within the meaning of article L. 1114-1. The professional may be assisted or represented by the person of his choice. If the patient or the professional is represented, a power of attorney is drawn up and submitted to the commission.
If it is not possible to attend or be represented at this conciliation, the person who lodged the complaint or the healthcare professional may send their observations in writing to the Commission’s secretariat, stating the reasons why they are unable to attend.
Exceptionally, if it is not possible to bring together all the participants, and subject to the agreement of the person lodging the complaint and the healthcare professional, the conciliation may take place using videoconferencing or telephone conferencing methods that guarantee the confidentiality of the discussions.
At the end of the meeting, the Commission will either record that the dispute has been settled, thereby putting an end to the dispute, or that no settlement has been reached.
The absence of conciliation is established when the complainant does not withdraw his complaint or when at least one of the parties has not responded to the summons.
The Commission secretariat will draw up a record of the meeting, which will be signed at the meeting by the parties or their representatives and the members of the Commission. In the event of non-conciliation, this record shall indicate the points of disagreement that remain. It is given or sent to each of the parties and forwarded to the director of the local body and to the president of the professional body on whose roll the healthcare professional is registered, within eight days of the conciliation meeting.