At its first meeting, each Funding Conference elects, by a simple majority of the members present, a Chairman from among its members, on the proposal of the college of local and regional authorities.
The Chairman is elected for a term of five years, renewable once.
Decisions taken in application of 1° and 2° of article R. 112-44 are adopted by an absolute majority of the members present.
The chairman convenes the conference, sets the agenda for its meetings and organises and leads its work.
The chairman may involve in the work of the conference any expert or any other natural or legal person likely to contribute to the implementation of the territorial sports project, subject to the agreement of the majority of the members of the conference.
The chairman defines the organisational arrangements for the conference secretariat. It may call upon the regional government department responsible for public sports policy.
In the event that the Chair resigns or is permanently prevented from attending, the Sport Funding Conference will elect a new Chair as soon as possible, in accordance with the conditions set out in the first paragraph.