The declaration provided for in Article L. 123-29 is renewed every four years, in accordance with the same procedure as that set out in Article R. 123-208-2. However, in the event of renewal of the card, the deadline for issuing the new card is fifteen days from receipt of the complete declaration file.
The holder of the card notifies the regional chamber of commerce and industry or chamber of trades and crafts of any amending declaration affecting his activity or mode of practice or any removal from a legal publicity register, for the purposes of updating or withdrawing the said card.
Removal from the Trade and Companies Register or the National Register of Companies may only be requested by the interested party on production of proof that the card has been returned to the authority that issued it. In the event of cessation of an activity not subject to registration in a legal publicity register, mention of this cessation, as well as its date, is made on the card, which is returned to the authority that issued it.