Where applicable, the following shall also be entered in the National Register of Companies, upon declaration by the natural person at the time of registration:
1° For retailers:
a) In the case of a natural person, the existence of a judicial authorisation to operate as a trader under Article L. 121-2;
b) In the case of a legal entity, the existence of a judicial authorisation to operate as a trader under Article L. 121-2
b) In the case of the establishment, the sign;
c) In the case of the business, the fact that it involves either the creation of a business, the acquisition of an existing business, or a change in the legal status under which it was operated and, in the case of the purchase, auction or division of a business, the title and date of the legal gazette in which the publication required by Article L. 141-12 was published;
For businesses in the retail sector, the name of the business, the name of the retailer, the name of the retailer, the name of the retailer and, in the case of the purchase, auction or division of a business, the title and date of the legal gazette in which the publication required by Article L. 141-12 was published.
2° For companies in the trades and crafts sector, the status of craftsman or artisan d’art provided for in Articles 1st and 2 Decree No. 98-247 of 2 April 1998 on craft qualifications and the trades and crafts sector, as well as the status of master craftsman or master craftsman in a craft provided for in article 3 of this decree;
3° For traders and companies in the trades and crafts sector, an indication, for each of the activities concerned, of the following:
a) In the case of the trade or craft sector, an indication of the trade or craft sector in question.
a) As regards the origin of the activity:
iii) In the event of a transfer plan, a statement that the management of the transferred business has been entrusted to the transferee pending completion of the acts necessary to complete the transfer;
b) With regard to the operating method, in the case of a management mandate, the name, business name, pseudonym, forenames and address of the natural person or the corporate name and registered office address of the legal entity managing the establishment, as well as the information specified in 1° and 2° of article R. 123-237, the start and end dates of the management-agent contract and, where applicable, an indication that the contract is tacitly renewable;
4° The itinerant or seasonal nature of the activities carried out and, where applicable, the surface area of the shop(s);
5° The employer status of the company and, where applicable, of each of its establishments.