The project owner or client who has a contract with an employer established outside France shall request the following documents from his co-contractor before the start of each posting of one or more employees:
a) Acknowledgement of receipt of the secondment declaration made via the “SIPSI” tele-service of the Ministry of Employment, in accordance with articles R. 1263-5 and R. 1263-7 ;
b) A sworn statement certifying that the co-contractor has, where applicable, paid the sums due in respect of the fines provided for in articles L. 1263-6, L. 1264-1, L. 1264-2 and L. 8115-1. This certificate includes the surname, first name and company name of the co-contractor and the signature of its legal representative.
The project owner or client is deemed to have carried out the verifications mentioned in article L. 1262-4-1 as soon as he has received these documents.