The structure (floor, roof, walls, openings), the major works, as defined in the article R. 111-2 du code de la construction et de l’habitation, ensure the protection provided by the article R. 151-2 du même code, dwelling premises against rising water, seepage and damp, as well as against parasitic air infiltration.
In addition, to prevent any stagnation of water in buildings and their surroundings, courtyards, courtyards, terraces, balconies, corridors, roof terraces, screeds, stoops, steps, empty spaces between two dwelling walls, adjoining alleyways and floors of private roads :
1° Have a suitably adjusted slope and, if necessary, face away from the facades;
2° Include the facilities necessary for the drainage of water, both rainwater and washing water, to a system capable of opposing the passage of rodents and retaining matter that may cause blockages; these facilities include a sufficient number of manholes to facilitate unblocking operations.