I.-Any holder of radioactive sources, accelerators or electrical equipment emitting ionising radiation subject to one of the regimes mentioned in Articles L. 1333-8 or L. 1333-9 shall have an inventory of the radioactive sources, accelerators or electrical equipment emitting ionising radiation that it holds, enabling it to provide permanent proof of their origin and location.
II – The person responsible for the nuclear activity sends a copy of the inventory referred to in I to the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire every year when the nuclear activity is subject to authorisation and every three years in other cases.
III -A quarterly statement of transfers and acquisitions of radioactive sources, products or devices containing them must be sent by the supplier to the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety when it is subject to one of the regimes mentioned in Article L. 1333-8 or L. 1333-9.
IV – For the purposes of updating the inventory provided for in Article L. 1333-5, a copy of the receipt for the declarations, registrations and authorisations mentioned respectively in Articles R. 1333-112, R. 1333-117 and R. 1333-126 is sent to the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety by the authority that issued the authorisation, made the registration or received the declaration. A list of these authorisations, registrations and declarations is kept up to date by this authority.