The territorial collectivity of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon has a territorial vigilance and support network for the organisation and territorial coverage of health vigilance.
In addition to the departments of the territorial health administration, it is made up of the persons or representatives of the structures mentioned in articles R. 1221-32, R. 1340-4, R. 5132-112 and R. 5121-158 and any other structure responsible for improving the quality and safety of health care in the territorial community.
In the absence of a person or structure in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon who is part of the territorial vigilance and support network mentioned in the first paragraph, the Prefect of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon will ask the person or equivalent structure in another territorial jurisdiction to take part in the operation of the Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon network.
This person or structure is designated by an agreement between it or its legal representative and the Prefect, or failing this, by order of the Minister for Health. The Prefect shall inform the Director General of the Regional Health Agency or equivalent body within whose jurisdiction the designated person or body is responsible.
The members of the territorial surveillance and support network are convened by the Prefect of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon in order to exchange information on current health events, coordinate the processing of signals and organise their management, ensuring, where necessary, that corrective or preventive measures are implemented.