The tasks of the regional commission for the coordination of the actions of the regional health agency and the health insurance scheme are:
1° To organise the participation of the health insurance bodies in the preparation and implementation of the regional health project and the regional multi-annual plan for risk management and the efficiency of the healthcare system;
2° To draw up the agreements provided for in articles L. 1434-6 of this code and L. 182-2-1-1 of the Social Security Code required to implement these plans, as well as monitoring and evaluating these agreements;
3° Ensuring that the agreements referred to in 2° are coordinated with the actions provided for under the agreements on objectives and management signed between the competent State authority and the health insurance bodies;
4° Giving an opinion on the draft regional multiannual plan for risk management and the efficiency of the healthcare system referred to in article R. 1434-19;
5° Giving an opinion on the draft regional multi-year action plan to improve the appropriateness of care, referred to in article R. 162-44 of the Social Security Code;
6° Drawing up and defining the procedures for implementing the specific complementary actions provided for in article R. 1434-24;
7° Giving an opinion on the draft agreement(s) with the complementary health insurance organisations mentioned in article R. 1434-28.