I. – The Director General of the Regional Health Agency shall determine by order, for each profession, the areas provided for in 1° and 2° of article L. 1434-4 according to the following criteria and their foreseeable development over three years:
1° The number, geographical distribution by age group, level of activity and practice patterns of practising healthcare professionals;
2° The health, demographic and social characteristics of the population;
3° Geographical particularities;
4° The presence of healthcare facilities.
II. – The indicators and thresholds, as well as the procedures for their use, applicable to the determination of areas characterised by an insufficient supply of care or by difficulties in access to care according to the criteria and their evolution specified in I of the present article, are set by an order of the Minister for Health and the Minister for Social Security. The same order specifies the procedures for implementing the measures provided for in the fourth paragraph of article L. 1434-4 within these same zones.
III. – The methodology applicable, for each healthcare profession concerned, to the determination of areas where the level of healthcare provision is particularly high is determined in the agreements provided for in article L. 162-14-1 of the Social Security Code.