The Director General of the Regional Health Agency may derogate from the standards laid down by the State administration, provided for in this Code or in the Code de l’action sociale et des familles, or taken in application of one of these two codes, in order to take non-regulatory decisions falling within his or her remit in the following areas:
1° The organisation of health monitoring in the region and health surveillance, in particular the collection, transmission and processing of reports of health events;
2° The definition, funding and evaluation of actions to promote health, inform and educate the population about health and prevent illness, disability and loss of autonomy;
3° The evaluation and promotion of training for healthcare professionals;
4° Authorisations for the creation and activities of healthcare establishments and the facilities referred to in Articles L. 6322-1 to L. 6322-3, as well as the medico-social establishments and services mentioned inarticle L. 313-3 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles ;
5° The territorial distribution of prevention, health promotion, healthcare and medico-social services;
6° Access to prevention, health promotion, healthcare and psychosocial services for people in precarious or excluded situations;
7° Implementation of a single service to help healthcare professionals set up in France.