I.-In accordance with article 48-1, the retention period for personal information and data recorded as part of criminal proceedings is ten years from the last recorded update; this period is extended to :
-twenty years when the person has been sentenced to a criminal penalty or when the proceedings relate to an offence to which the limitation period for public action provided for in the third paragraph of Article 7 and the second paragraph of Articles 706-25-1 and 706-31 applies;
-thirty years when the proceedings relate to an offence to which the limitation period for public action provided for in the first paragraph of Articles 706-25-1 and 706-31.
II.-The retention period for information and personal data recorded in the context of other procedures, mentioned in article R. 15-33-66-4, is, pursuant to Article 3-1 of Law no. 91-650 of 9 July 1991 reforming civil enforcement procedures, of ten years from the date on which the decision became enforceable.
However, this period runs from the twenty-first birthday of the person concerned or of the last child in his or her siblings when the data is recorded as part of an educational assistance procedure or a judicial measure to help manage the family budget. It runs from the data subject’s twenty-first birthday when the data has been recorded as part of a judicial protection measure for young adults.