The application must be sent to the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée at least two weeks before the date scheduled for the first public performance of the work or document.
It must include the following information
1° The title of the work or document and the name of the director ;
2° The duration of the work or document;
3° Where applicable, the duration of the interval and information certifying that the duration of images other than those being recorded complies with the percentage stipulated in 1° of article R. 211-45;
4° The synopsis or a detailed presentation of the work or document;
5° Where applicable, a summary of the restrictions imposed in the countries where the work or document has been shown in cinemas;
6° The classification measure and, where applicable, the warning determined by the applicant;
7° In the cases mentioned in 2° and 3° of article R. 211-45, the number of screenings planned as well as the planned places and dates of performance.
The Minister responsible for culture may request a copy of the exact and complete version of the work or document to be performed, when such a copy is available.