Approval derogating from some of the technical specifications required under article L. 212-14 may be granted by the Chairman of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée, under the provisions of article L. 212-17, to the operator of a cinematographic establishment who so requests:
1° If it is technically impossible to comply with some of these specifications due to specific architectural features or constraints linked to projection technology;
2° Where there is a manifest disproportion between, on the one hand, the improvements required by the implementation of the technical specifications and, on the other hand, the consequences of the implementation of these improvements on the financial equilibrium and normal operation of the establishment, in particular where the cost or nature of the work is such that it would have the effect of compromising the sustainability and economic profitability of the establishment’s activity;
3° In the event of constraints relating to the conservation of the architectural heritage where the work is to be carried out on the exterior and, where applicable, the interior of an establishment classified as a historic monument in application ofarticle L. 621-1 of the French Heritage Code, registered in application of article L. 621-25 of the same code or on a building protected as an “abords” in application ofarticle L. 621-30 of the Heritage Code, located within the perimeter of a remarkable heritage site classified in application of article L. 631-1 of the same code or on a building identified in application of the article L. 151-19 du code de l’urbanisme ;
4° When the establishment concerned is of a temporary nature, in particular when it forms part of a transitional site development project, on condition that the programming project complements the range of cinematographic shows offered by existing cinemas in the area of cinematographic influence concerned.
When approval is granted under 4°, it is valid for a maximum of eighteen months. It is renewable once.