At least fifteen days before the date on which they are to be discussed by the Board of Directors, the draft resolutions relating to the allocation of the appropriations referred to in article L. 2135-13 are sent to the employees’ trade union organisations whose statutory purpose is of a national and cross-industry nature and which received between 3% and 8% of the votes cast in the elections provided for in 3° of article L. 2122-9 and to the employers’ trade union organisations which are representative at national and cross-industry level. This transmission, including the date of examination by the Board of Directors, is made by any means capable of conferring a date certain.
The organisations mentioned in the first paragraph shall send their comments in writing no later than three days before the date indicated for examination.
Information in response to the written observations sent by the organisations referred to in the first paragraph will be appended to the Board of Directors’ deliberations provided for in that paragraph.