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Section 2: Financing of employee trade unions and professional employers' organisations

Article R2135-11 of the French Labour Code

Each member organisation of the association’s Board of Directors appoints two full representatives and two alternate representatives. These representatives are renewed no later than 1st January of the year following that in which the decrees provided for in articles L. 2122-11 and L. 2152-6 are published.

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Article R2135-12 of the French Labour Code

The Chairman of the Association is appointed by the Board of Directors, for a two-year term, alternately from among the representatives of the employee trade union organisations and the representatives of the employer trade union organisations that are members of the Association.

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Article R2135-13 of the French Labour Code

A vice-chairman of the association is appointed under the conditions and for the term of office mentioned in article R. 2135-12. During the same term of office, the chairman and the vice-chairman are appointed by employee trade union organisations and by employer trade union organisations respectively.

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Article R2135-14 of the French Labour Code

The Board of Directors deliberates under the conditions laid down in article R. 2135-15, in particular with a view to: 1° Adopting the internal regulations of the joint management association or any subsequent amendments thereto; 2° Appointing the chairman and vice-chairman of the association in application of articles R. 2135-12 and R. 2135-13 ; 3° Adopting its annual operating budget and approving its annual financial account; 4° Allocating the appropriations…

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Article R2135-15 of the French Labour Code

Each employee trade union organisation has two votes. Each professional employers’ organisation has a number of votes proportional to its audience at national and cross-industry level determined under the conditions provided for in the first paragraph of I of article L. 2135-15 and according to the rule of proportional representation by the highest average. The total number of votes cast by the employers’ professional organisations is equal to the total…

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Article R2135-16 of the French Labour Code

At least fifteen days before the date on which they are to be discussed by the Board of Directors, the draft resolutions relating to the allocation of the appropriations referred to in article L. 2135-13 are sent to the employees’ trade union organisations whose statutory purpose is of a national and cross-industry nature and which received between 3% and 8% of the votes cast in the elections provided for in…

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Article R2135-18 of the French Labour Code

The resources collected by the joint fund management association are either kept in cash, deposited on demand or invested on a short-term basis. Interest earned on sums deposited or invested in short-term deposits has the same status as the sums from which it is earned. It is subject to the same conditions of use and control.

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Article R2135-19 of the French Labour Code

For the application of the provisions of the third paragraph of II of Article L. 2135-15, the Government Commissioner shall refer the matter to the Chairman of the Association, by any means that confers a certain date on the referral, within seven days from the date of receipt of the deliberation or decision taken by another internal body or authority. It shall inform the members of the Board of Directors….

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