The categories of personal data and information recorded in the processing mentioned in article R. 2143-10 are:
1° With regard to third-party donors:
a) The data relating to their identity mentioned in 3° of article R. 2143-1;
b) The non-identifying data mentioned in 4° of article R. 2143-1 and specified in article R. 2143-12;
c) Data relating to the use of gametes and embryos for medically assisted procreation with a third party donor;
2° Concerning persons born of medically assisted procreation with a third party donor:
a) Data relating to their identity, as mentioned in 3° of article R. 2143-1;
b) Data relating to parentage with the beneficiaries of medically assisted procreation with a third-party donor;
3° With regard to the beneficiaries of medically assisted procreation with a third-party donor:
a) Data relating to their identity, as mentioned in 3° of article R. 2143-1;
b) Data relating to parentage with the person or persons born of medically assisted procreation with a third-party donor;
c) Data enabling a link to be established with the third-party donor or donors.