I. – The National Commission for Collective Bargaining, Employment and Vocational Training comprises :
1° The Minister for Labour or his representative, Chairman ;
2° The Minister for Agriculture or his/her representative; and
3° The Minister for the Economy or his representative;
4° The President of the Social Section of the Council of State;
5° Six representatives of employers’ organisations and ten permanent representatives of employees’ trade union organisations, representative at national cross-industry level.
II. – When the commission mentioned in I is consulted on draft laws, ordinances and decrees relating to employment, vocational guidance and training, it also includes :
1° The Minister for Employment or his representative ;
2° The Minister in charge of vocational training, or his/her representative;
3° The Minister for National Education, or his/her representative;
4° The Minister for Higher Education, or his/her representative;
5° Eight representatives of the regions and overseas local authorities exercising the powers devolved to the regional councils in the area of vocational training;
6° Two representatives of the départements.
III -When the commission mentioned in I is consulted on the extension and enlargement of the agreements mentioned in article L. 911-1 of the Social Security Code, as well as on the repeal of extension or enlargement decrees, it also includes the Minister for Social Security or his representative, who chairs the commission.
IV -When the commission mentioned in I is consulted on draft laws, ordinances and decrees relating to incentive, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes, it also includes :
1° The Minister for Social Security or his representative ;
2° Seven persons chosen for their expertise and experience.