I.- Non-permanent childcare establishments and services for young children operate within the framework set out in II of article L. 214-1-1 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles. With the help of the “Health and Inclusive Care” referent, they offer individualised and inclusive care for all children, particularly those with disabilities or chronic illnesses, by providing specific support in suitable premises. They encourage children to socialise in groups of a suitable size for the activities on offer.
II. -Non-permanent childcare establishments and services for young children include:
1° Collective crèches: collective childcare establishments that receive children on their premises on a regular or occasional basis, including establishments offering short-term childcare, known as “haltes-garderies”;
2° Kindergartens: collective childcare establishments exclusively for children aged eighteen months and over;
3° Family crèches: services providing regular or occasional childcare for children by maternal assistants mentioned inarticle L. 421-17-1 of the Code de l’Action Sociale et des Familles, employed by the said services.
A single establishment or service known as a “multi-accueil” may combine collective childcare with family childcare or regular childcare with occasional childcare.
III.-All of these establishments and services may organise childcare on an occasional or seasonal basis only.
IV – All of these establishments and services may be parent-run within the meaning of Article R. 2324-50 of this Code.