Outside the Ile-de-France region, revenue from parking fees is collected by the municipality or grouping that introduced the parking charge. These revenues contribute to the financing of the operations defined in article R. 2333-120-19 and compatible with the mobility plan where it exists.
In public establishments for inter-communal cooperation with their own tax authority exercising full responsibility for the organisation of mobility, car parks and parking areas and, for all roads, the road network, the revenue from parking fees is transferred to these public establishments by the municipalities that have introduced the parking charge. Before 1st October of each year, the public body decides on the allocation of this revenue to the operations defined in article R. 2333-120-19. When the implementation of these operations is carried out by a municipality that has introduced the fee, the portion of revenue allocated is paid back to it by the public body.
A portion of the revenue may be used to help finance the cost of implementing the on-street paid parking policy.
In other public establishments with their own tax system, the municipality that introduced the parking charge and the public establishment sign an agreement, before 1 October each year, setting the proportion of the revenue from the post-parking lump sums paid to the public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation, for the exercise of its powers in terms of the organisation of mobility and roads of community interest.
Mixed urban transport associations covered by article L. 5721-2 may also collect part of the revenue from the charge by agreement with their member local authorities.
The provisions of the four preceding paragraphs are not applicable to the metropolis of Lyon.