European Union citizens mentioned in 1° of article L. 233-1 who cease their professional activity on French territory acquire a right to permanent residence before the end of the uninterrupted five-year period of residence provided for in article L. 234-1 in the following cases:
1° They reach the age stipulated by the legislative or regulatory provisions in force to claim their rights to a retirement pension, provided that they have been working there for the last twelve months and have been legally resident there for more than three years;
2° Following early retirement, provided that they have been working there for the last twelve months and have been legally resident there for more than three years;
3° Following a permanent incapacity to work and provided that they have resided there legally and continuously for more than two years;
4° Following a permanent incapacity to work and without any condition as to length of residence if this incapacity is the result of an accident at work or an occupational disease entitling the person concerned to a pension payable by a social security organisation;
5° After three years of regular and continuous activity and residence, in order to exercise a professional activity in another State mentioned in articles L. 200-2 and L. 200-3, provided that they maintain their residence in France and return there at least once a week.
Periods of activity thus completed in another State are deemed to have been exercised in France for the acquisition of the rights provided for in 1° to 4°.
The conditions of length of residence and activity provided for in 1°, 2° and 3° do not apply if the worker’s spouse is of French nationality or has lost this nationality following marriage to this worker.