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Article R236-21 of the French Commercial code

The draft terms of cross-border merger shall be drawn up by the management, administrative or executive body of each of the companies involved in the operation.

The draft terms of cross-border merger shall contain the following particulars
It shall contain the following particulars:

The form, name and address of each of the companies involved in the cross-border merger.
1° The type, name and registered office of the participating companies, as well as those of the company resulting from the cross-border merger;

>The reasons, aims and conditions of the cross-border merger
2° The reasons for, and the aims and conditions of, the cross-border merger;

>The exchange ratio of the assets and liabilities of the companies involved in the cross-border merger; and
3° The exchange ratio of the securities, units or shares representing the share capital and, where applicable, the amount of the balancing payment;

> The terms and conditions of the cross-border merger
4° The arrangements for the transfer of the securities, units or shares of the company resulting from the cross-border merger, the date from which such securities, units or shares entitle the holder to share in the profits, and any special terms relating to such entitlement;

> The date from which the securities, units or shares entitle the holder to share in the profits, and any special terms relating to such entitlement
5° The date from which the transactions of the merging companies will, for accounting purposes, be treated as having been carried out on behalf of the company created by the cross-border merger;

The rights granted by the company created by the cross-border merger
6° The rights granted by the company resulting from the cross-border merger to members having special rights and to holders of securities other than shares or corporate units representing the share capital, or the measures proposed in respect of them;

> Any special advantages granted to members having special rights and to holders of securities other than shares or corporate units representing the share capital.
7° Any special benefits granted to the members of the administrative, management, supervisory or controlling bodies of the merging companies;

8° Information concerning the valuation of the assets and liabilities transferred to the company resulting from the cross-border merger;

>The dates of the accounts of the companies involved in the cross-border merger
9° The dates of the merging companies’ accounts used to define the terms of the cross-border merger;

10° The articles of association of the company resulting from the cross-border merger;

11° Where appropriate, information on the procedures by which arrangements are made for the involvement of employees in the definition of their rights of participation in the company resulting from the cross-border merger;

> The likely effects of the cross-border merger on the company resulting from the cross-border merger
12° the likely effects of the cross-border merger on employment;

13° The arrangements for making a buy-out offer to members in accordance with Article L. 236-40;

14° The guarantees offered to creditors, such as sureties and pledges.

Original in French 🇫🇷
Article R236-21

Un projet de fusion transfrontalière est arrêté par l’organe de gestion, d’administration ou de direction de chacune des sociétés participant à l’opération.

Il contient les indications suivantes :

1° La forme, la dénomination et le siège social des sociétés participantes, ainsi que ceux de la société issue de la fusion transfrontalière ;

2° Les motifs, buts et conditions de la fusion transfrontalière ;

3° Le rapport d’échange des titres, parts ou actions représentatifs du capital social et, le cas échéant, le montant de la soulte ;

4° Les modalités de remise des titres, parts ou actions de la société issue de la fusion transfrontalière, la date à partir de laquelle ces titres, parts ou actions donnent droit aux bénéfices ainsi que toute modalité particulière relative à ce droit ;

5° La date à partir de laquelle les opérations des sociétés qui fusionnent seront, du point de vue comptable, considérées comme accomplies pour le compte de la société issue de la fusion transfrontalière ;

6° Les droits accordés par la société issue de la fusion transfrontalière aux associés ayant des droits spéciaux et aux porteurs de titres autres que des actions ou des parts représentatifs du capital social ou les mesures proposées à leur égard ;

7° Tous avantages particuliers attribués aux membres des organes d’administration, de direction, de surveillance ou de contrôle des sociétés qui fusionnent ;

8° Des informations concernant l’évaluation du patrimoine actif et passif transféré à la société issue de la fusion transfrontalière ;

9° Les dates des comptes des sociétés qui fusionnent utilisés pour définir les conditions de la fusion transfrontalière ;

10° Les statuts de la société issue de la fusion transfrontalière ;

11° Le cas échéant, des informations sur les procédures selon lesquelles sont fixées les modalités relatives à l’implication des travailleurs dans la définition de leurs droits de participation dans la société issue de la fusion transfrontalière ;

12° Les effets probables de la fusion transfrontalière sur l’emploi ;

13° Les modalités d’attribution d’une offre de rachat aux associés conformément à l’article L. 236-40 ;

14° Les garanties offertes aux créanciers, telles que les cautionnements et les gages.

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