For the application of this book in the Wallis and Futuna Islands:
1° The references to the prefect are replaced by the reference to the senior administrator of the territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands;
2° The references to the mayor are replaced by the reference to the district chief;
3° The references to the benefits mentioned in Articles L. 160-8 and L. 160-9 of the Social Security Code are replaced by the reference to sickness and maternity benefits;
4° Article R. 210-1 reads as follows:
“Art. R. 210-1.-The provisions of articles R. 141-1 to R. 141-13, R. 142-26 to R. 142-32, R. 142-41 and R. 142-42 are applicable to foreign nationals whose situation is governed by this book. “;
5° In article R. 231-3, the words: “and the nationals mentioned in article L. 200-4” are deleted; “Art. R. 233-4.-Without prejudice to the provisions of the fifth paragraph of Article L. 233-4, citizens of the European Union subject to transitional measures by their accession treaty who wish to carry out a professional activity in Wallis and Futuna are required to apply, in addition to the authorisation of the local authorities when this is required, for the issue of a residence permit. 8° Article R. 233-5 reads as follows: “Art. R. 233-5.-Family members of foreign nationals mentioned in article R. 233-4, citizens of the European Union subject to transitional measures or of a third country are also required to apply, in addition to the authorisation of the local authorities where this is required, for the issue of a residence permit. 9° In article R. 233-6, the words: “French labour market” are replaced by the words: “Wallis and Futuna Islands labour market” and the words: “without a work permit being required” are deleted;
6° The second, third and fourth paragraphs of article R. 233-1 read as follows:
“The health insurance mentioned in article L. 233-1 must cover sickness and maternity insurance benefits.
” The residence permit for the nationals mentioned in the first paragraph is issued under the conditions and for the duration set out in article R. 233-11. Depending on the case, it bears the words: “EU citizen – All professional activities” or: “EU citizen – All professional activities, except salaried employment”. “;
” The residence permit of the nationals referred to in the second paragraph is issued under the conditions and for the period stipulated by articles R. 233-14 or by article R. 233-15 depending on their nationality. Depending on the case, it will bear the words: “EU citizen.-Family member.-All professional activities” or: “EU citizen.-Family member.-All professional activities, except salaried employment”. “;
10° In article R. 233-7:
a) the third paragraph reads:
” 2° They are in duly recorded involuntary unemployment after having been employed for more than one year and have registered as a job seeker with the locally competent employment service;”
b) the last paragraph is replaced by a paragraph worded as follows:
“They retain their right of residence for six months if they are in duly recorded involuntary unemployment at the end of their fixed-term employment contract of less than one year, or if they are involuntarily unemployed in the first twelve months following the conclusion of their employment contract and are registered as jobseekers with the locally competent employment service. “11° In article R. 233-11:
a) in the first paragraph, the words: “EU/EEA/Swiss citizen-All professional activities” are replaced by the words: “EU citizen-All professional activities”;
b) in the second paragraph, the words: “six months longer than the employment contract concluded” are replaced by the words: “equivalent to the employment contract concluded in accordance with local regulations;”
c) the fourth and fifth paragraphs are worded as follows:
” 1° For salaried workers, a valid work permit when required by local regulations or, in other cases, a certificate of employment;
” 2° For self-employed workers, proof of registration with the social protection scheme applicable to them.
12° In article R. 233-12, the words: “EU/EEA/Switzerland citizen-Non-active” are replaced by the words: “EU citizen-Non-active”;
13° In article R. 233-13, the words: “EU/EEA/Switzerland citizen-Student” are replaced by the words: “EU citizen-Student”;
14° In articles R. 233-14 and R. 233-15, the words: “EU citizen-Student” are replaced by the words: “EU citizen-Student”. 233-14 and R. 233-15, the words: “Carte de séjour de membre de la famille d’un citoyen de l’Union/ EEE/ Suisse-Toutes activités professionnelles” are replaced by the words: “Citoyen UE.- – Membre de famille.-Toutes activités professionnelles”.Family member – All professional activities”;
15° In article R. 234-1, the words: “ten years” are replaced by the words: “twenty years” and the following words are added to the second paragraph: “or: “EU citizen – Permanent residence – All professional activities, except salaried employment”. “16° In article R. 234-2, the words: “Directive 2004/38/EC – Permanent residence – All professional activities” are replaced by the words: “EU citizen – Permanent residence – All professional activities” and the third paragraph is worded as follows: “By way of derogation from the first paragraph, the residence permit issued to family members of a national of a Member State of the European Union subject to transitional arrangements under its accession treaty shall bear the words: “EU citizen – Permanent residence – All professional activities” or: “EU citizen – Permanent residence – All professional activities, except as an employee”. “;
17° In article R. 237-1, the reference to article R. 431-22 is deleted;
18° In article R. 264-1, the references to articles R. 711-3 to R. 711-5, R. 744-13, R. 753-3 and R. 754-13 are deleted;
19° In article R. 270-4, the reference to article R. 812-1 is deleted.