The possession of the national law degree provided for in 3° of article R. 321-18 :
<1° Members and former members of the Conseil d'Etat and members and former members of administrative courts and administrative courts of appeal;
2° Magistrates and former magistrates of the judiciary;
3° Magistrates and former magistrates of the Cour des Comptes, regional audit chambers and territorial audit chambers of French Polynesia and New Caledonia;
4° University professors and lecturers holding a doctorate in law;
5° Lawyers at the Conseil d’Etat and the Cour de cassation;
6° Lawyers registered at a French bar and former legal counsels ;
7° Former avoués près les cours d’appel;
8° Commissaires de justice;
9° Notaires;
10° Administrateurs judiciaires, mandataires judiciaires au redressement et à la liquidation des entreprises, former syndics et administrateurs judiciaires ;
11° Registrars and former registrars of commercial courts;
12° Civil servants and former civil servants in category A, or persons assimilated to civil servants in this category, who have carried out legal activities in this capacity for at least five years, in an administration, a public service or an international organisation.