The judge sets the date, time and place of the hearing.
The court clerk will immediately summon, by any means, in their capacity as parties to the proceedings:
1° The applicant and his lawyer, if he has one ;
2° The person who is the subject of psychiatric care through the head of the establishment when he or she is hospitalised there, his or her lawyer as soon as he or she is appointed and, if applicable, the person in charge of the legal protection measure relating to the person or his or her legal representatives if he or she is a minor;
3° Where applicable, the prefect who ordered or maintained the care measure or the director of the establishment who pronounced the admission to psychiatric care in the event of imminent danger.
In all cases, the public prosecutor and, if they are not parties, the director of the establishment and, where applicable, the third party who requested the admission for psychiatric care, are also notified.
The summons or notice of the hearing indicates to the parties that the documents mentioned in article R. 3211-12 may be consulted at the court registry and that the person undergoing psychiatric care, when hospitalised, may have access to them in the establishment where he or she is staying, in compliance, as regards documents forming part of the medical file, with the provisions of article L. 1111-7. The clerk’s office issues a copy of these documents to the lawyers who request them.
The person undergoing psychiatric care is also informed that he or she will be assisted by a chosen lawyer, appointed under the legal aid scheme or appointed automatically by the judge, where applicable, or that he or she will be represented by a lawyer if the magistrate decides not to proceed with his or her hearing in the light of the medical opinion provided for in the second paragraph of article L. 3211-12-2.