In each penitentiary region, one or more prison psychiatry sectors are attached to a health establishment providing care for detainees pursuant to 2° of article L. 6111-1-2. Each of these sectors includes a regional medical-psychological service located in a prison and which may also, under an agreement with the Prefect, be responsible for combating alcoholism and drug addiction as referred to in articles L. 3311-1 and L. 3411-1. The agreement sets out the terms and conditions for the State to cover the corresponding costs.
Without prejudice to the provisions of article L. 6121-2, the list of penitentiary establishments with regional medical-psychological departments and the penitentiary establishments covered by the penitentiary psychiatry sector of each regional medical-psychological department is set by order of the ministers responsible for justice and health.
The sector is placed under the authority of a hospital psychiatrist appointed in accordance with the procedures set out in article R. 3221-4 and assisted by a multidisciplinary team from the hospital centre to which it is attached.
Standard internal regulations, drawn up by the ministers responsible for justice, health and social security, specify the tasks of the regional medical-psychological services and lay down how they are organised, how they operate and how they co-ordinate with the heads of the general and child psychiatry sectors and with the health and social workers and organisations working in prisons.